Life is like A .. .. .. .. .. .. , Why Worry.


Go placidly amid the noise and the haste and remember what peace there may be in non-responsiveness You can't please all the people all the time

Be yourself, but stay within established guidelines. Neither be
cynical about rules; for in the face of all stupidity and
disenchantment , it is regulation that provides perennial

Don't avoid people who are upset. They may have good reasons and your care and interest may make them less aggressive. Be tolerant of the diversity that makes everyone special and be aware that there are no
persons greater or lesser than yourself.

Don't live in the past or future. Enjoy the present. Don't become obsessed by your own career. It cannot give you security or possession of anything or anyone.

Exercise caution in your business affairs, as the world is full of
trickery. and full of materialists.

Become yourself. Express affection for all people and all species. Be skeptical about romance for it is as transient as a summer flower.

Don't become tired in your ways and never surrender your sense of wonder .

Don't be defensive. Be optimistic and imaginative. Fatigue and
loneliness are born of fear. Be rigorous in accepting responsibility for your actions and their consequences.

You are a child of your less than perfect parents and like the trees and the stars your time will pass.

And whether or not it is clear to you, things are not working out nearly as well as they could.

With all its hopes, dreams, promises. Unfortunately, this society continues to deteriorate.and becoming uglier each day

Therefore, be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to

Strive for the right of all people to make their own

Keep peace with your our soul. Be brave
                                                                Rev Crackpot
By Rev W.E Crackpot

copyright Rev Crackpot 2008